Olesya and Cris are a great couple - she, a very proud Russian, and he an American to the core - and this match is PERFECT. I missed out on the opportunity to photograph their first son and Olesya's maternity then however I was right on time for this go 'round and this time, she's a little girl :) Here's the set, we shot in two locations, their house and an exquisite spit of land on the tip of one of the most idyllic places on the Eastern Shore of Maryland you will find. Sunsets are made for this place, or maybe this place is just perfectly made for sunsets... you be the judge. [flickr_set id="72157644025421300"] If you or someone you know is having a baby and would love to celebrate this new life coming have them contact me today![flickr_set id="72157644025421300"]